Hello and Welcome to Last Stand Enterprises

This page tries to cover as many questions as possible, Feel free to make comments and suggest amendments.

Corp Ethos

We are a player and real life first social corp. All our members are valued and have an equal opinion. Among our own we are polite, friendly and generous with our knowledge, ideas, experience and resources. 

To others we aim to be friendly and trustworthy. We see no need to seek tears or instigate hostilities, but are willing to retaliate if required.

We have no mandatory operations or requirements. You can join in with ongoing operations, organise something yourself, or if you wish – go solo into a wormhole. All we really ask is you say Hi when you login and be friendly.

We are not a structure holding corp. While we do hold some structures, these are classed as expendable therefore we do not issue Call To Arms. We will defend if people want to, but experience has show CTA`s dont work in social corps.

Our home is our Raitaru in Hikansog- The Duck Pond II

In order to make LSE a safe place, we do have Corp and Alliance Rules  which you are expected to follow. They basically boil down to – Don’t be an idiot.

Corp CEO / Directors

LSE is run by a system of joint ceos who are all equal and interchangeable

  • UK Timezone CEO
    • Vogon Hameraz,
  • US Timezone CEO
    • Ezekielh

Information Sheets

Hanger Access

  • Hanger 1  – Transfers [Full Access]
    • This hanger is open access to everyone. While not secure, feel free to output blueprint copies or store things here. Please use your own named station container
  • Hanger 2 – Ships [View Access]
    • Corp owned ships live here. If you want to borrow one, simply ask a director and it will be transferred to you.
  • Hanger 3 – Manufacturing [Restricted Access]
    • If you want to build for the corp, you will get access to this hanger to use corp materials for corp projects
  • Hanger 6 – Please Ask [View Access]
    • This hanger contains more expensive modules which are free for all members to use. Due to the higher value of these items, please ask a director to transfer these to you
  • Hanger 7 – Free for All  [Full Access]
    • This hanger contains cheaper items and modules which are free for anyone to take. Just unlock and take. The expectation is that you only take what you need, return what you don’t and add anything you think would be valuable to another corp member.

Mining Operations

Our Area is full of belts. More details TBC

Ore Buy Back

We run a full ore and mineral buy back program at jita buy price minus 10%. We would appreciate you consider selling your ore to us at this fair rate so the corp can make isk for fuel.

Value your ore/minerals with evepraisal and create a contract to Vogon Hameraz. For full details and examples, please refer to Ore Buyback