
This document contains a high level overview of how to recruit for LSE. For more specific information on the actual interview, including questions to ask and cut and paste information, please refer to the recruitment script.

There are also some example transcripts

Can I recruit for LSE?

Short version is yes. So long as you are comfortable in the type of person we are after and have read these guides, then anyone can recruit for LSE.

Who are we after?

We are a social corp, meaning we want active casual people that log in and say hello. We want miners, industrial people, traders or just people looking for a place to hang out and chat.

We do not offer many corp level activities, so we are not after someone wanting daily roams or a corp offering a high level of content.

Minimum requirements

  • Candidates must be 1 month or older

Where do I start?

There are two places you need to join

  1. Join the “Last Stand Recruitment” channel in-game so you can speak to candidates.
  2. Ask to be invited to the Recruitment channel on Discord. This is used to keep each other up to date on who we are speaking to and gets notifications from the bot when people apply.

If you want to accept people yourself, a director needs to give you the recruiter role. Or you can just ask a director to accept applications.

A director is required to assign roles so that new user can use blueprints and see hangers, so you also need to inform us that someone new joined.

Someones talking to me!! What do i do!!!!

Have a conversation. Say hello, ask what they like to do in eve, ask what they are looking for, give a bit of info about the corp and see if you like them. For a script to follow, please refer to the recruitment script.

If you like the candidate and you feel they would fit in the corp, and you have the roles, you can invite them right away. Otherwise ask them to apply and a director will accept.

If you do not like someone, please reject. If you are not confident in this, then you have the ultimate get out clause…. “LSE Policy requires a director also interview you. I will pass your name along.” 🙂

Leadership will always support you rejecting a candidate.

What am i trying to find out?

We want people to be happy in LSE and we pride ourselves in our low turn over. But we are not the right corp for everyone.

There are Two main aims when recruiting someone into LSE

  1. Are they going to be happy with us?
  2. Are they going to cause any issues or drama for our existing members?

Are they going to be happy with us?

We should make it clear to prospective members what we do and don’t offer.

We offer a quiet area with mining fleets. Nothing mandatory, no drama and friendly environment with a good industry and a well stocked BPO library.

We do not offer pvp opportunities or many organised operations. If their killboard is full of null or wormhole kills, question why they want a quiet life in highsec.

Are they going to cause any issues or drama for us?

This is harder to ascertain during an interview, so you have to go with your gut. Sometimes you can get a feeling from the way they talk. Some people are impatient if you go afk, some people seem arrogant or impolite in chat.

Examples of people that may cause the rest of the corp problems are people that are rude to other people, that scam or gank needlessly or generally grief other players.

What if i get it wrong?

Then you joined the club 🙂

Recruiting is all about gut feeling. No one is going to get it right every time. At best, we miss someone good. At worst we find someone we have to kick.

We are not a l33t nullsec corp with all the opsec requirements, the worse a bad candidate can do to us is be rude in corp chat. Its really no big deal.

If we do get someone bad, then we can all look at it as a learning experience 🙂

In Depth Additional Reading

EveUni has some technical information on the actual screens and buttons


This is an old forum post on recruiting for larger alliances and corporations. Its far too serious for us, but its interesting reading.
