The Corp owns around 2600 original and copy blueprints you can access at the Duck Pond. For originals, make your own copies. For existing copies you need to ask a Director and we hand them out.

To Access the Library, click on the Industry button , and select “Owned by Corp” on the first tab.

To use the blueprints, you have 2 options

1. Make a copy

This is the preferred option. Select the blueprint, Ideally put your own named can in transfers and set this as the output. Ensure personal wallet is used by the total job cost. Once the copy is complete, move this to your private hanger and build. This way the only risk is the BPC gets lost.

2. Put your minerals in Transfers Hanger

Put a station container into Transfers, put your minerals in here. Set the input and output to your container in Transfers and start the build.

This is more risky as anyone can they complete your job and take the output, hence we do not recommend it.