Example 1

This was very short and sweet. Noticed he has tried another corp for 2 days before speaking to us, so I checked that. Asked what is expectations were and give him a clear view of what to expect from our corp.

Jon > hi there, i'm a old returning player looking for a group of people to enlist with since it has been a few years since i last played. so you can consider me a noob
VH > Hello, sorry for the delay. Sunday chores and jobs.
Jon > no worries, was watching mining video's anyway
VH > i saw you tried Praetorian, what happened there?
Jon > empty as i noticed
VH > 13, yes thats a bit low.
VH > WHat ar eyou after from a corp?
Jon > a crop that is willing to help a returning player get to know more bout the game, since it's been years since i played it, and if you where gonna ask what i can provide for you guys, i'm a miner and constructor, so i can look into further developing myself in that branche
VH > to be honest we dont really ask for much in our corp :)
Jon > i don't mind, i give (or try to) give alot XD
VH > Were very relaxed, of the opinion its your game to play how you want. so long as theres no drama its pretty easy going. we dont have any mandaotry ops or antyhing like that. There are some additional alliance rules if you venture out of highsec but most of us are cearbear miners so it doesnt effect us
VH > but we dont really do many corp ops, apart from we generally have a mining fleet up. we have access to a rude ammount of moons to mine so were never short.
VH > Do you mind if i askwhat timezone you are in?
Jon > GMT +1 (aka brussels)
VH > Ok im uk based. Most of our members are US timezones, so were a little quiet on the ground at the moment. have 7 online. by 8pm that would be move like 20
Jon > all fine
VH > well i am happy to give you an invite, do you have any questions for me?
Jon > not at this very moment

Example 2

This example has basically no script at all. I liked the way the candidate had no issue with RL getting in the way, and that we could have a good chat right off the bat. After this chat, i then pasted in the standard what we offer blurb and the candidate joined.

VH > Hello, Sorry for the delay, bedtime routines and the like
Bob > hey i get it i got kids and stuff to, np at all
VH > Anyways hi. Ezekielh says you also dropped him and email earlier today
VH > how long have you been playing eve?
Bob > .yes i did i have to other accounts im running at the moment over in lari and ive only been playing for a week or so
VH > You have been playing for only a week and have 3 accounts already?
Bob > this one is fresh today did recruit a friend and starter pack so i got like 2mill sp ready to go and over the winter im not working so i think ive played probably 70 hours or more sincei started
Bob > yes i got one orca and one covetor at the moment mining
Bob > and then just started this guy, saw your recuitment and figured i would apply and have a chat
VH > how on earth did you get one in an orca within a week?
Bob > recruit a friend is 1million skill points and the starter pack for 5 bucks is another million skillpoints
Bob > then i got it omega, t2 mining drones, been mining my butt off
VH > good grief. back in my day blah blah.. took months to get into an orca!
Bob > this guy has 2 million skill points waiting to go i just figured i would find a home first………with recruit a friend and starter packs its pretty easy
Bob > plus about 50bucks in plex total
Bob > i may or may not have went a little overboard
VH > yeh a little maybe :), sorry one min, lads calling
Bob > no problem
VH > ok, so how come you went all in after a week? normally takes a while for ppl to decide to stick around. get second accoutns and so on
Bob > the game has so much depth and stuff to it it really caught my attention……the last game that did that was world of warcraft and i played it for 14 years
VH > didnt fancy the re-release of the original?
Bob > meh its alright i suppose i may play a little here and there i also have like 100 other games on steam i play off and on to but ive played space engineers elite dangerous and several others
Bob > ive noticed you can make good money solo but at the same time if you do 2 or 3 you can make so much more

Example 3 – Rejected Candidate

PE > hi ellie, saw your guys ad on the fourms last night and was interested
Sun > cool, what interested you in our little corp?
PE > mainly looking for aplace that is more relaxed with things as I've been playing eve for a whliel now and want to take it slow
PE > have been dealing with null politics and the annoyances of it for a while now and it's taking it's toll
Sun > you seem to change corps a lot, what seems to be the problem with them?
PE > I've been thinking moving to a new home in null would change things, the grass is greener somewhere else or so. Finally coming to a realization most null corps are the same right now and it's killing me on the inside
Vog > were not a null corp clearly so i dont really know whats going on out there at the moment
PE > everyone is blue with each other
PE > the coalition I'm in currently is blue from detorid up to cobalt edge
PE > so if I want to go do pvp I have to go about 50-60 jumps away from where I am to find one other person who isn't blue
Vog > You know were a none pvp corp right?
PE > yeah I understand, I do other things to like pve. Slowly getting into mining and the likes as well
Vog > ok truth on the table, your employment history of jumping corps is really putting us off. 10 corps in a month is an achievement :)
PE > I've seen worse, but honestly that was mainly due to having old friends spread around eve who don't play as much but have contacts
Vog > ok thank you for your interest in our corp, When we interview potential recruits were looking for a few things, are we the right corp for them, can we offer what they want and most important to us is, do we think the candidate will be happy enough in the corp that they will still be here in 6 months time. We have a very low turn over rate in that respect.
Vog > Given the number of corps you join then leave, and also given the type of gameplay you have obviously enjoyed in the past in null, I couldn’t honestly say you would still be with us in 6 months, and it’s for this reason that I don’t think we are the right home for you at this time.
PE > so going to pass on me, if so I understand that and all
Vog > thank you for your interest, and i do hope you find what you are looking for
PE > have a good night and all that
Vog > you too. fly safe